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It's Snow Joke!

#weatherwarning #snow is apparently coming, but is it? A day off school, really? Or are teachers getting excited for nothing? [and us kids]

So, as we all think snow is on the way, what will we do if Jack Frost dumps a whole blizzard on our door steps? We need all the right gear to thrash our parents so deep into the snow they won't know what hit them! Watch out parents, you won't see us but we will be there burying your heads in the snow!

Now to the point of this blog post, #SAFETY. You can stay safe while having fun. I know you guys are probably thinking "I'm going to stop reading before I bore myself to sleep." That will not happen, I am sure of it. If you think that running in the snow where there is no grit is cool and daring, IT SO IS NOT!! DID YOU KNOW THE COOL PEOPLE ARE THE ONES WHO STICK TO THE RULES #MOST OF THE TIME.

Rules for cool kids

1) Make sure when you throw a snowball there is just snow flakes and no stones that can really hurt your friends.

2) Do not play tricks on people that could end up slipping or hurting themselves!

3) Be careful as there may be frozen ponds underneath the snow. Always look for signs as they will be well above the ground.

4) Remember the temperature outside will be freezing so keep wrapped up. Especially your feet as they will be in the snow the longest time so make sure you wear #doublesocks.

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