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Sports Relief

On Friday 23rd March 2018, Ocean Academy celebrated sport relief by allowing children to come to school in any sports kit they liked in exchange for a £1 donation. Mr Broadbent and Miss Petford joined a selection of teachers with Mr Walsh (Head of Sylvan) to accompany him in his own Sport relief challenge. He set out to run to each school, infant, first, junior, middle and primaries which is 32 schools and 36 miles. Click here to see his just giving page. At each school other teachers would join him for part of the journey (some joined him for the whole run). Miss Petford and Mr Broadbent ran to 4 schools and ran back which was around 4 miles. Click here to watch Mr Walsh and the other teachers on their challenge.

Mr Tharme also organised Ocean Academy's own Sport relief challenge.

Every class had their own active time slot, which was 20 minutes long, to do lots of movements on the field to gain points for their class. The class with the most points would win the ultimate prize.

We interviewed a sports leader in year 5:

What did you do for Sports Relief?

Mollie: For Sports Relief I tallied how many laps of the field people did in a certain class for 20 minutes.

Sophia: Did you find it fun?

Mollie: It was extremely fun because everyone was doing unique movements.

The prize is top secret that Mr Tharme will not let the sport leaders tell ANYBODY! Nobody knows who has won the mysterious prize or what the mystery prize is. Watch this space….



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