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How it all began?

This amazing blog is a lucky sneak peek almost like you’re in on the 'behind the scene action.'

Ready to join us?

The year 5’s put on the most exhilarating performance ever! It saw a great success and all of the proud parents enjoyed it massively.

The teachers gave us a sheet with the title ASTRONAUT MISSION FILE. We didn't have any idea about what was going to happen. Then it all started when the teachers of year 5 gave everybody Space work. It was a FILE into a great introduction to the wonders of space. Soon after, Mr Tharme announced that all of us would take part in an awesome play based on Space! We felt nervous but excited!

We were told that we would be put into mystery groups chosen by the teachers (so they were sensible). When we heard this we could not wait to find out our groups. After, the great groups were discovered we sent one of the group members up to the front to pick a piece of white folded paper with a subject about Space on it!

Once we read the immaculate sheet of crisp white paper (which had our subject on it) we started to gather

information instantly. Our subject was Jupiter and Earth, this was were we had to focus our research and make a 2 minute performance. Other groups had subjects like, the sun, the Milky Way and many more.

A day or so later, we began to draft our scripts. Soon after, we began rehearsing. In our amazing art classes, we painted the planet costumes for the brilliant guide to our Galaxy play! We all got mega exited when the costumes for the planets were finished. Now that the planets were ready we started to design our costumes from clothes we had at home. We really looked the part!

WOOHOO! The play was only a day away and everybody was either really excited or super worried (like Jessica and Isabella) for the event that would take place the next day.

We got our costume ready and took part in the morning dress rehearsal which gave us a good run through. When we were sent home (some of us were lucky enough to go home in our costumes) to redo our hair or put on accessories that we did not bring.

We came back to school and lined up outside the office ready for the big event. Hearts were pounding as us kids entered the hall. As the first group stood up we knew that everyone else’s turn would soon come. The play was a success, but we remembered that we had another nerve racking play the next morning.

We didn't need to worry the play was again another success and everyone was happy that it was done for good! We enjoyed the feeling of success :)

I hope you enjoyed this blog!



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