This week you will hear about our netball match against Bearwood primary school.
It was a five-a-side game. We took a team of seven players, this means we had two substitutes. Our coach has come up with a new plan to rotate the players.
Goalkeeper will go to goal defender;
Goal defender will go to centre;
Centre will go to goal attack;
Goal attack will go to goal shooter;
Goal shooter will go to substitute two;
Substitute two will go to substitute one;
Substitute one will go to goal keeper.
This time we took Tiziri, Will, Sam, Yasmin, Olivia, Maisie, and Archie. We did not allocate a captain: as most of them were not invited. This was a friendly game and it gives us great pleasure to announce that our team won 20-2. Bearwood had just been introduced to netball, so we were expecting to win. However, this achievement is surprising. As always, our tactics are: if you are in the D shoot and quick, short, snappy passes. We hope to see you next time with another spectacular win!J
Our second match this term against Lytchett Matravers Primary School. Mr White took the team on the mini-bus with Mrs Crook. The amazing team that we took included:
Freya (C)
Unfortunately, the score was 7-2 to Lytchett.
Our team tried their absolute best however; we were not used to the higher netball post. Therefore, we missed some excellent chances to score. Our tactics were to do quick passing and if you are in the D (the semi-circle on the edge of the court) then take your time and go for the shot. Our star player for this match was April! This concludes this week’s blog! See you soon!J